Friday, January 4, 2013

Why the Beaver Should Thank the Wolf

This, a group of environmental nonprofits said they would challenge the federal government’s removal of Endangered Species Act protections for wolves in Wyoming. Since there are only about 328 wolves in a state with a historic blood thirst for the hides of these top predators, the nonprofits are probably right that lacking protection, Wyoming wolves are toast.
Many Americans, even as they view the extermination of a species as morally anathema, struggle to grasp the tangible effects of the loss of wolves. It turns out that, far from being freeloaders on the top of the food chain, wolves have a powerful effect on the well-being of the ecosystems around them — from the survival of trees and riverbank vegetation to, perhaps surprisingly, the health of the populations of their prey.
An example of this can be found in Wyoming’s Yellowstone National Park, where wolves were virtually wiped out in the 1920s and reintroduced in the ’90s. Since the wolves have come back, scientists have noted an unexpected improvement in many of the park’s degraded stream areas. When wolves are taken out of an area or are hunted down in an are the grass in the area is depleted because when the wolves are around the deer or elk do not have the time to eat all of the grass down to the root in an area. They just have time to take a few bits then look up for dangers then keep moving. So overall the wolves actually help the landscape they are not just hard born killers like people believe they are, the wolves are an important part of the ecosystem.  

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