Thursday, January 3, 2013

Oil spil threatens bird sanctuary

Oil from a barge near Stanton Island has slipped into the waters. While transferring oil from a barge to a ship, a man saw that the waters around the ships were darkening. They later saw that the oil was reaching a bird sanctuary nearby. This will ruin the bird’s habitat, and the ecosystem of the bird sanctuary. Officials are not sure how much oil has spilled in to the ocean yet, but they know it’s harming the birds and the water. They did act fast to contain the oil, but we still need a clean up to save the bird sanctuary ecosystem and the water ecosystem.


  1. This is horrible. The oil can do real damage to the birds and the environment. I agree, the water and the sanctuary needs to be cleaned as fast as possible. That way there are minimal deaths and less of an environmental impact.

  2. It upsets me that we have not done a single thing after the BP oil spill. Oil spills are a big concern and can be prevented but the BP oil spill we just let it slide by. It affected humans and animals and we need to do something about it.

  3. Its horrible that the people in charge of the oil spill didn't do anything to stop the oil from getting into the bird sanctuary. Even though they did contain the oil spill once they found out about it but they didn't do anything to help the birds and it really could hurt and maybe even kill the birds because it affects their feathers and makes it were they cant fly.

  4. Just another reason for us to find alternative fuels. Oil is disgusting and dangerous. While useful the costs outweigh the benefits. It's sticky, slimy, toxic stuff and it seems kind outdated for our times.
