Friday, January 4, 2013

Paint Removes Pollution

Clean Air: New Paints Break Down Nitrogen Oxides
Dec. 20, 2012 — “Surfaces with photo-catalytic characteristics clean the air off nitrogen oxides and other health-endangering substances.”
testing the NOX removal
Nowadays, people living in urban areas suffer from high pollution levels, which is mostly caused by traffic. Most of the pollution emitted is nitrogen oxides (NOX). Over the next two years, German researchers will examine the “Effectiveness of photo-catalytic removal of nitrogen oxide on coated building test panels”. Basically, scientists are testing how well this paint removes NOX, and how well it lasts over time. To test the paint, it will be put on road barriers on a busy interstate. A minor fall back, is this paint only removes the NOX when exposed to sunlight.

1 comment:

  1. I hope if that paint starts to sell it will be cheaper than the paint that doesn’t remove pollution. I think every paint out there should remove pollution. Will they get rid of the paint that doesn’t remove pollution, if the paint that removes pollution ends up working out?
