Thursday, January 3, 2013

Together a Century, City and Oil Giant Hit a Rough Patch.

In California, there is an oil company called Chevron. This company is massive and its storage tanks are located on a hill right above a small town near San Francisco. This company used to have a huge impact with politicals but has recently loosened it's grip on the political power. Since the political grip has lowered the Mayor is starting to take a stand since the company hasn't been at a 100%  performance rate. This small has always been loyal to Chevron but they've had enough of their mistakes and I believe that the town has every right to feel this way and think it's a great idea to make sure that the company gets their act together for safety reasons.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. If a company is going to work in oil or anything that could cause damage on people or the environment, then they should have proper safety.
